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Myneyrsh Species data created by Wikia user Droidscotty (Converted from its Ultimate Alien Anthology counterpart).


The Myneyrshi are four-armed natives of Wayland. Before the Empire conquered their world and turned it into a secret storehouse for the Emperor, the Myneyrshi were constantly at war with another of Wayland's sentient Species, the Psadans. The Myneyrshi and Psadans joined forces to drive the Imperials from their world, but they failed. The Empire conquered the planet, enslaved its indigenous population, and put the Myneyrshi and thelr allies to work building an immense complex beneath Mount Tantiss. The Imperial occupation of Wayland ended soon after the Battle of Endor.

Most Myneyrshi view technology as an unwelcome reminder of their Imperial conquerors and prefer the use of simple weapons and tools. Although peace treaties with other indigenous Species of Wayland persist for years after the Empire's departure, Myneyrshi remain wary of their alien neighbors.

The Yuuzhan Vong conquer Wayland during The New Jedi Order Era, and although thousands flee and escape with their lives, the primitive Myneyrshi refuse to leave and are either exterminated or driven deep into the jungles. With so few tribes remaining, the future of the Species is uncertain.

Myneyrsh Characteristics[]

Personality: Myneyrshi are obstinate beings, especially when dealing with Humans and other offworlders. Their experience with the Imperial occupation of Wayland and their enslavement has soured them toward Humans and technology. Myneyrshi consider anything technological in nature an "Item of Shame" and avoid even being near it when possible.

Physical Description: Thin of build, Myneyrshi have two upper torsos (One atop the other), four arms, long pointy ears, and a short trunk instead of a nose. Their entire bodies are covered in a smooth layer of blue crystalline flesh. The average Myneyrsh stands 1.9 meters tall.

Age Groups: Myneyrshi age at the following stages:

1-12 Years 13-17 Years 18-49 Years 50-69 Years 70-84 Years 85+ Years

Homeworld: Wayland, a remote and unremarkable jungle world in The Outer Rim.

Languages: Myneyrshi speak a primitive language of snorts, honks, and deep vocalizations called Myneyrsh. No written form of their language exists. Myneyrshi pass on knowledge through an oral history

Example Names: Chyresh, Eychani, Orychee, Panaysha.

Adventurers: Myneyrshi have expressed no desire to leave their homeworld, Their isolation, their dislike for technology, and their unpleasant encounters with the Empire and Yuuzhan Vong discourage them from roaming the galaxy. Although the odds are remote, a Myneyrsh forcibly dispatched from Wayland might find a life of adventure among the stars and learn to overcome their natural distrust of technology and more technologically advanced Species. A Myneyrsh hero would most likely become a Scout or Force Prodigy.

Myneyrsh Species Traits[]

Myneyrshi share the following Species Traits:

  • Ability Modifiers: All Myneyrshi receive a +2 bonus to their Wisdom, but suffer a -2 penalty to their Intelligence. Myneyrshi are observant and careful, but hold distrust for technology and the greater galaxy.
  • Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Myneyrshi have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Speed: Myneyrshi have a base speed of 6 squares.
  • Extra Arms: Myneyrshi can hold up to four items or Weapons at a time. This ability does not grant extra attacks; however, it does mean a Myneyrshi can wield two two-handed weapons at a time.
  • Natural Armor: A Myneyrsh's crystalline flesh provides a +2 Natural Armor bonus to their Reflex Defense. A Natural Armor bonus stacks with an Armor bonus.
  • Primitive: Myneyrshi do not gain Weapon Proficiency (Heavy Weapons), Weapon Proficiency (Pistols), or Weapon Proficiency (Rifles) as starting Feats at first level, even if their Class normally grants them.
  • Xenophobia: Myneyrshi gain a +2 Species bonus to their Will Defense against Persuasion checks made to improve their Attitude by any creature of a different Species.
  • Automatic Languages: All Myneyrshi can speak both Myneyrsh and Psadan. They have no written form of their language.